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SERVER OPENING ON MAY 9 at 20:00 Moscow time.

Летающий транспорт!

Доступно для всех владельцев замков, а также возможен обмен на ценные материалы. За подробностями обращайтесь к Танелииру Тивану.
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Олимпиада из новых хроник!

4 арены из хроник Classic, правила проведения и баффер.
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Новый континент!

Высоко в небесах, недалеко от континентов Грации, возвышается неприступная цитадель пиратов.
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Прокачай свою амуницию!

Улучшай качество и характеристики вещей, становись сильнее, используй тактику!
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Achievement System

For completing daily tasks you receive achievement coins that can be exchanged for valuable items.
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Rebirth system

You can rebirth your character at level 79 for getting Coin of Luck . It's need for characteristics upgrade and purcharing some valuable items on donate shop.
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Built-in knowledge base

A complete database of drop, spoil and other important information has been added to the inventory.

Сommunity board (ALT+B)

Convenient and well-thought-out community board, with all the necessary functions for a comfortable game.

Opening the Interlude x13 server

Innovative Lineage 2 server, modern interface, best implementation of innovations, class rebalancing, powerful server hardware - forget about lags forever! Modern protection against all types of attacks and bots.
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Command panel

We present to You our own development "Command panel". Now you don't need to write system macroses, because they are combined and represented into the Command Panel board.
With each new season, we bring exciting innovations to the game, including original mechanics, unique bosses and various types of equipment.
New equipment
The weapons, armor, and jewelry of The Dynasty series were transferred from the later chronicles of The Kamael. We have adapted the characteristics of the Dynasty items taking into account the features of Interlude and conducted thorough testing.
Rebalancing of classes

The class balance in Interlude has undergone extensive changes in order to update and improve the playability of less popular classes, as well as to introduce new, fresh sensations into the gameplay.

Read the changes

Augmentation of weapons

A new mechanic has been introduced into the Life Stone skill system: now all active buffs will be active for two hours. These buffs persist even when changing weapons, allowing you to apply various power-ups without fear that they will replace each other. In addition, chance skills were disabled.

Description of the changes

Kamaloka Dungeon
Kamaloka is a temporary zone (instance) for solo leveling. In the instance, the player is expected to have three raid bosses, for killing which, the player receives experience, SP points, as well as a very good drop. The entrance to the dungeon is accessible from level 70.
Our Community - Анонсы серверов л2, новые сервера Lineage 2 Новые сервера Lineage 2 Новые сервера Lineage 2, список серверов, анонсы серверов Lineage 2 Новые сервера Lineage 2 Новые сервера л2 - Анонсы серверов Lineage 2 Новые сервера Lineage 2, Анонсы серверов Lineage 2 Анонсы серверов Lineage 2 - Анонсы серверов л2, новые сервера Lineage 2 Анонсы серверов Lineage 2 Анонсы серверов Lineage 2, Новые сервера Lineage 2, Lineage 2 сервера